Always time for the Norwood Family | Spring Hill Family PhotographerOctober is to Photographers what April is to Accountants.And boy am I feeling the rush right now..but loving every minute of it. You would not believe how many people have emailed me in the past few weeks wanting to schedule a portrait session for "when the leaves are pretty." I just hate, hate, hate turning people away, but there are just only so many hours in the day in October...and even less hours in the day in November, thanks to the time change and a ridiculously early sunset. I cannot possibly fit in any more October sessions, because if I did, I just wouldn't be able to edit them all, and I'd drive myself to insanity. I could possibly handle another November session or two, but all the good daylight is already taken so all I can offer is weekday mornings...yeah, I know...not the most convenient time. But as I've said before...winter sessions can be beautiful!! So I'm sorry to say, October is just not for procrastinators...these sessions have been booked for a while. But if you are one of those procrastinators and haven't scheduled your family's annual photos, let me say it again....WINTER SESSIONS ARE BEAUTIFUL! Also, I'm excited to announce that it's now easier than ever to book a session with me. You can even view what session dates are open and available all the way through June of next year, and reserve your spot with a click of a button. Capturing your family's moments is important, and I promise you it will not be painful. You might even end up having a great time. I've been best friends with Beth for over 20 years now. It's hard to believe it's been that long. If I'm being honest, (and she would totally agree), she would probably fall into the category of people who would procrastinate and forget to schedule their fall portraits in time. Luckily, she has the slight advantage of having me to look after her in that respect. She's been one of my biggest cheerleaders in this photography journey. She was my very first "client" and let me take horribly awful newborn pics of her firstborn son, so I owe her. Plus, she knows all my deep dark secrets, so that helps. #photographerforlife We had a slight incident towards the end of this photo session with a fall by Cole off the playground structure that resulted in a huge horrible looking knot on his head. He's fine now after some ice, but what a tough boy! He barely even cried. That cut our session slightly short, but no problem because the boys (even Andy) did an amazing job. I just love their adorable little smiles and little giggles..."Peekaboo, Aunt Crystal!" We had a great time. And I hope these pictures serve as further proof that I will not require your two year old to "stand still and cooperate" in order to get beautiful family photos.
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