What's in my bag, with Beautiful Elise | Spring Hill Senior PhotographerWhat's in my Bag? One of the worst things happened at this Senior Portrait Shoot. My memory card failed. All of a sudden there was a warning on my camera screen that my memory card was corrupt, and I could not take pictures, or view the pictures I had already taken. Luckily, it was no big deal because my camera has two memory card slots and I always shoot to two cards as a back up. So all I had to do was to replace the corrupt card with one from my bag and keep shooting. The other card still had all the images from the first half of our session, so I hadn't lost a single image of beautiful Elise. And I am so glad...I would hate to have lost any of the pictures because she was absolutely killing it. I absolutely adore Elise and have for many years. She and her parents go to my church and I remember her at the age of 12 of so helping me with a VBS class. She is so kind an sweet and a fun person to be around. She's also my girls' babysitter and they adore her too. She's just a beautiful young woman, inside and out. Fairly often, I am asked about what kind of camera I use and which are my favorite lenses. Since I had the issue with the memory card, I thought this would be a good opportunity to talk about what's in my bag (and in my car) when I'm at a portrait session. What I carry with me at a Portrait Session:
What's in my car - Just in Case:
With me in Spirit:
Wow, reading that all together is a little overwhelming, but people ask often, so there it is. Also, if you have ever looked at the pricing for a professional photographer and got sticker shock wondering why it costs so much, just know that this is actually a drop in the bucket. It doesn't include the stuff at home, like numerous hard drives (to backup my backups), Adobe Subscriptions, numeral website subscription fees, lighting setups for studio type jobs, etc. As a disclaimer, I want to say this about what's in my bag, because my hunch is that those who ask mean it as a compliment, but are really looking to find what they can do to shoot better pictures. So I want to say first and foremost that equipment is not the answer. I started out with really basic equipment when I was learning and I would suggest that you do too. I'm not saying that a great camera and nice lenses don't make a difference...they definitely do. But what makes the biggest difference is practice, training and editing style (which I'll talk more about in a later post). If you want to learn more about photography, Click Photo School is a fantastic place to start and where I've taken lots of online workshops.
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