Goals for 2016 | Spring Hill, TN Family Photographer

January 11, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Recently, I wrote a post looking back on what an amazing first year in business I had in 2015.  Now it's time to look forward to 2016 on ways to make my business continue to grow and be profitable, and for me to grow in my art.  I've thought about some goals that I can focus on for 2016 that I think are important to make that happen. 

  • Work to double my Instagram followers - from 1250 to 2500.  Instagram is an amazing community and is becoming the place for clients to find photographers.  I love that it doesn't pick and choose which of my posts that my followers get to see, like Facebook.  And I've "met" some amazing photographers on Instagram who continue to inspire me.  If you aren't already, please consider following me on Instagram. 
  • Increase my Facebook followers to 500.  Facebook is harder, both in terms of getting followers and in what they allow followers to see of my posts, but it's still important.  If you are so inclined, you can help me in two ways:  First, recommend my page to friends and share it on your wall when you see something you love.  Second:  Please continue to like and comment on my page posts - that helps Facebook to know that the content is worth seeing and then they will share it with more people.  
  • Continue my #thisismotherhood project.  It's good for advertising, but mostly, it challenges me both in photography and personally by hearing all the amazing stories of awesome women in our community.  If you would like to be included in the project, please let me know. 
  • Get better at Pinterest - I suck at Pinterest but do think it's a great avenue for getting seen.  I just need to work harder at it and learn to utilize it the same way I have learned Instagram. 
  • Work on getting more of my work featured on other websites.  This helps with my SEO (fancy words for saying it helps google think I'm important enough to show up at the top of search results -which helps me get more clients.) Plus, it helps push me to grow in my abilities and to get better.  I was featured on Beyond the Wanderlust a few times last year, and I want to work harder on this for 2016. 
  • Take more classes.  Practice, practice, practice.  Get better.  And continue to refine my style and vision.  A few classes I'm interested in right now are "Going Beyond the Pose", "Story-making" and "Photographing Children" at Clickin University.
  • Save for new equipment.  Oh to have all the beautiful lenses and a new camera.  #dreams
  • Stay in the minds of clients more often.  One way I want to do this is to send out a monthly email newsletter.  This way, I don't have to depend on Facebook to show my work. Sign up for the monthly email newsletter here.
  • New Pricing Structure - One thing that is very important to me is that even though I need to remain profitable and make a living doing what I love, I want to try my best to remain affordable to my customers. I don't want them to have to miss out on capturing their family's beautiful moments.  For that reason, I have decided not to increase my session fee at this point in time.  Instead, I decided to restructure what my session fee includes.  The session fee will include the download of 10 digital images.  To download the full session will be an additional charge.  This allows options for my clients while hopefully allowing me to grow the business and remain profitable. 
  • Sell more product.  This is really important to me, not only from a profitability standpoint, but also because I truly feel passionate that we should print our photos so that they may be admired and enjoyed for years to come instead of being stuck on some hard drive.  I have created several optional packages that will allow clients to easily choose a package that works for them.  I am also willing to meet with you and help you choose if it's too overwhelming for you.  A couple of the products I am most excited about are the hardcover photo book & the vivid metal print.  Below are a few photos of the products.

Crystal Freemon PhotographyPrint Products Offered for 2016 Crystal Freemon PhotographyPrint Products Offered for 2016 Crystal Freemon PhotographyPrint Products Offered for 2016

Love these pictures?  Please take a minute follow me on Facebook InstagramGoogle+ or Pinterest and share with your friends who might be interested.   Email me now to book a session to capture your own family's beautiful moments.  



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Crystal Freemon Photography, Spring Hill TN Family Portrait PhotographerCrystal Freemon Photography, Spring Hill TN Family Portrait Photographer

Hi, friends!  Welcome to my blog! I’m an engineer turned family photographer, obsessed with chasing light and capturing real moments. I believe family portrait sessions should be fun! I’m a hockey mom, Predators fan & retired PTO president.  I picked up the camera when my youngest was a baby and fell in love with documenting our life as a family. Don't wait to book a session to capture your family's special memories today! 


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